LIV – Leipziger Informatik-Verbund
The Leipziger Informatik-Verbund (LIV) at the University of Leipzig was founded in 1997. The academic and industry members co-operate in research and development in the areas of computer science and business computing.
Main goals:
- organization of meetings, seminars, conferences etc. for information exchange and presentation of research results
- development and implementation of common research projects
- organization of interdisciplinary courses of study
- support of young scientists
- support of public relations in the area of computer science
For further information visit the website of Leipziger Informatik-Verbund (german).
Center of Information-, Knowledge- and Service-Management
The institute is a center for scientific research and technology transfer in the areas of information, knowledge and service management. In particular there is a close relationship with the University of Leipzig regarding new scientific/technological methods and procedures based on research results and their conversion to working solutions.
The institute operates competence centers, which are related to the specific academic research fields of the represented university professors. At present these consist of the center for meta data and terminology (KMT) and the competence center service engineering and management (KSEM).
The institute co-operates with public and private clients in the context of scientific-technologic projects.
For further information visit the website of the center (german).
IAO – Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering
The activities of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO focus on investigation of current topics in the field of technology management. Research projects are conducted in close collaboration with small and medium-sized companies and industrial corporations under direct contract. The Fraunhofer IAO participates in publicly funded research programs, such as the »Information Technology« and »Work and Technology« programs of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, in programs of the European Union, as well as in programs funded by the Land of Baden-Württemberg.
For further information visit the website of IAO.
IAT – Institute for Human Factors and Technology Management
The Institute for Human Factors and Technology Management (Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement) IAT of the University of Stuttgart is specialized in the integrated planning, design and optimization of innovative products, processes and structures. Under consideration of human factors, organizational aspects, technological solutions and the environment, the IAT explores and evaluates new concepts of technology management, work organization and work design. Research areas such as strategic planning, organizational development, process design, work systems design, product design and leadership are being holistically addressed at the IAT by interdisciplinary teams.
For further information visit the website of IAT.
Institute of Business Computing at the University of Leipzig
Fields of research:
- E-Business for enterprises and administrations
- Online education / Telelearning
- Decision Support Systems (DSS)
- Data mining
- Internet-based cooperative work
For further information visit the website of the institute (german).
Graduiertenkolleg Wissensrepräsentation at the University of Leipzig
The topic of the Graduiertenkolleg is the representation and processing of knowledge. A major goal in research is to bridge the gap between application and theory in knowledge representation. We want to investigate foundational questions in the light of specific applications stemming from business and medical informatics.
For further information visit the website of Graduiertenkolleg.
Last Modification: 2014-06-02 10:57:16 by Shk Ccsd