In publications, every line counts, because you want to optimize layout to include the most text and content as possible. Here are some tipps (mostly for LNCS)


  • use [tb] not [htb], if images are placed on top or bottom you can save up to 6 lines per image in LNCS
  • cut away unneccessary white space around the image
  • condense image so that all areas are filled (if necessary with Photoshop / Gimp)

Lists and enumerations

  • use only if necessary
  • there is paralist or shortlist, which can condense the spacing of lists


  • References should have two lines only in LNCS. We are collecting these abbreviated bib references in AKSW.lncs.bib
  • At AKSW we use a file called aksw.bib which is in our SVN at: when writing a paper, the aksw.bib file should be copied into the paper folder. Please do not link the main aksw.bib file might change and then the paper doesn't compile correctly and the references might be lost.

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Letzte Änderung: 2013-05-14 08:50:35 von Sebastian Hellmann
