Doktoranden- und Forschungsseminar
Das Doktoranden- und Forschungsseminar (FoBIS) findet bei angemeldeten Vorträgen immer Donnerstags ab 13 Uhr (bis maximal 16 Uhr) im Zimmer 612 am Brühl statt. Das FoBIS richtet sich vor allem an Doktoranden und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl sowie an Diplomanden-, Bachelor- und Masterstudenten, die am BIS studieren, Praktika durchführen oder arbeiten. Grundsätzlich können alle Interessenten am Seminar teilnehmen, jedoch ist hier eine vorherige Anmeldung per E-Mail sinnvoll.
Zur Ankündigung eines Vortrages bitte eine E-Mail mit Titel, Autor, Vortragendem, Termin und Abstract (kurze Beschreibung des Inhalts) an schicken bzw. bei vorhandenen Rechten diese Wiki-Seite selbst editieren.
Vorträge sollten in der Regel 30 Minuten lang sein mit anschließend ca. 15 Minuten Diskussion. Antrittsvorträge für Diplom-/Masterarbeiten können auch kürzer sein.
BIS-Vorlagen (müssen für den Vortrag nicht verwendet werden):
Powerpoint: animiert | animiert+groß | nicht animiert
OpenOffice: animiert | animiert+groß | nicht animiert
Webseiten vergangener Semester:
Wintersemester 2005/06:
Sommersemester 2006:
Wintersemester 2006/07:
Sommersemester 2007:
Zeit | Ort | Vortragender | Titel |
22.11. 14.30–15.30 Uhr | Joh. 3–36 | Ahtisham Aslam | Towards Integration of Business Processes and Semantic Web Services [mehr Informationen] |
29.11. 13.15–14.45 Uhr | DB 3–01 | Pascal Hitzler | Applications of Semantic Technologies: Semantic Media Wiki, Smart Web, and the added value of ontology reasoning [mehr Informationen] |
noch nicht bestätigt | Brühl 612 | Florian Dieckmann | polbeo-Projekt [mehr Informationen] |
10.01. 14.00–16.00 | Brühl 612 | Jörg Wittenberger | Informationsdienstleistungen mit Askemos [mehr Informationen] |
Vorträge im Detail
Towards Integration of Business Processes and Semantic Web Services
- Vortragender: Ahtisham Aslam
- Termin: 22.11.2007
- Test der am 26.11. stattfindenden Verteidigung der Dissertation
Business processes are modeled as syntax based compositions of multiple services to perform tasks that a single Web service alone cannot perform. When these processes are exported as Web services they have same syntactical limitations as traditional WSDL services resulting in clampdown for their dynamic discovery, invocation and composition by other semantic enabled systems. Successfully translating existing business processes to semantic Web services can help to address syntactical limitations of business processes and enabling them for semantic based composition editing, modeling and for dynamic discovery, invocation and composition by other semantic enabled systems.
In this talk I will present that how we can bridge the semantic gap between business processes and semantic Web services to enable them for semantic based dynamic discovery, invocation and composition. I will present the solution of prescribed problem at architectural level, from point of view technology and methodology and the implementation of proposed solution.
Applications of Semantic Technologies: Semantic Media Wiki, Smart Web, and the added value of ontology reasoning
- Vortragender: Pascal Hitzler
- Termin: 29.11.2007, 13.15 Uhr
- Ort: Dresdner Bank, Raum 3–01, Karte
- Kombination von Graduiertenkolleg-Kolloquium, Vorlesung Wissensrepräsentation und BIS-Forschungsseminar
Semantic Web Technologies are currently in a transition from research to practice. This is indicated by the occurrence of ontologies in many application domains including multimedia data management, ambient intelligence, software engineering, eGovernment, Bioinformatics, etc. Similarly prominent is the amount of investigations currently undertaken by industry concerning potential applications.
In this talk, we present two applications of Semantic Technologies. The first is the Semantic Media Wiki (SMW), which is an extension of the Wikipedia software with semantic feature for improved search an access in Wikis. The second is a system for multimodal mobile access to information on the internet, which has been developed within the Smart Web project funded by the BMBF. We will also discuss in more detail the role of automated reasoning in semantic technologies, with a focus on its added value and on future challenges.
Short-Bio of Pascal Hitzler: PD Dr. Pascal Hitzler is assistant professor at the Institute for Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany since 2004. Before this, he obtained a Diplom in Mathematics from the University of Tübingen in 1998, a Ph D in Mathematics from University College Cork in 2001, and worked as a postdoc at the Artificial Intelligence Institute at TU Dresden. His research record lists over 130 publications in such diverse areas as semantic web, neural-symbolic integration, knowledge representation and reasoning, lattice and domain theory, denotational semantics, and set-theoretic topology. He recently published the first german student textbook on the Foundations of the Semantic Web. He leads resp. was leading AIFB's activities in the Smart Web project funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), in the Rea Sem project on Practical Reasoning Support for Semantic Technologies funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and for the EU Knowledge Web Network of Excellence. He is a member of the steering committees of the workshop series OWL – Experiences and Directions (OWLED), of the conference series Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR), and of the conference series International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS). He serves as a member of the W3C OWL working group and as a reviewer for international journals, conferences, and research project applications. He has also been an organizer of international enhancement programmes for highly skilled students in Mathematics and Computer Science, and has served as an editor for several books in this area. For more information, please see
- Vortragender: Florian Dieckmann
- Termin: offen, am Brühl, Zimmer 612
Details werden noch abgesprochen.
Informationsdienstleistungen mit Askemos
- Vortragender: Jörg Wittenberger, GF von Softeyes Dresden,
- Termin: 10.01.2008, Seminargebäude Brühl, Zimmer 612
Von softeyes Dresden wird Askemos als zentrale Anwendung entwickelt. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Kommunikations- und Interaktionsplattform mit feingranularem Rechtesystem und Notarfunktion, in der Dokumente mit definierter Beweiskraft erstellt und abgelegt werden können, wie sie im Geschäftsverkehr ausgetauscht werden.
Jörg Wittenberger wird über einige Projekte dieses IT-Dienstleisters berichten, in denen die Plattform zum Einsatz kommt.
Vortrag im Rahmen des Projektes Sys Inno,, zum Ausloten gemeinsamer Schnittstellen, insbesondere zum Regio-Web.