Axel Hummel
Axel Hummel Augustusplatz 10, Zimmer P906 04109 Leipzig
About me
I'm a research assistant at the department of Business Information Systems (BIS) and the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) e.V.. Since June 2013, I am also working at the
computer centre of the University of Leipzig.
I studied computer science with focus on theoretical computer science and the minor subject business administration at the University of Leipzig.
In September 2009 I finished my studies with the masters degree (Diplom-Informatiker) in computer science.
From March till September 2006 I completed an internship at the Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE) in the research group
Ontologies in Medicine and Life Sciences (Onto-Med).
My field of activity was the investigation of logic-based representation formalisms and so I came in contact with Common Logic (CL).
In my diploma thesis Common Logic is a main part too. Thereby the results of my internship were included and extended.
Furthermore the Resource Description Framework (RDF), the
Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS) and the
Extended RDF (ERDF) are examined and their relations to Common Logic are considered.
Research interests
- Simulation models for the e-commerce domain
- Simulation techniques especially agent-based simulation, system dynamics simulation and discrete event simulation
- Highly configurable simulation models
- Integration of simulation models
Current projects
I'm currently involved in the following projects:
AlmaWeb – Das Campus Management System
eBusiness-Lotse Mitteldeutschland
metaStream-Netzwerk – Optimierung von Stoff- und Energieströmen
EUMONIS – Software- und Systemplattform für Energie- und Umweltmonitoringsysteme
Completed projects
I was involved in the following projects:
SimProgno – Ein integratives Framework zur multidimensionalen Modellierung, Simulation und Prognostik von E-Commerce-Wirkungsketten
Netzwerk GPM – Netzwerk Geschäftsprozessmanagement
- Hummel, Axel, Keßler, René, Döhler, Arndt and Kühne, Stefan: Simulation as a Decision-Making Support Tool for Full-Service E-Commerce Providers. In: Meyer, K. and Thieme, M. (ed.): Theory and Practice for System Services Providers in Complex Value and Service Systems – ISSS 2013 Proceedings, Leipziger Beiträge zur Informatik: Band XLI. Leipzig, 2013.
- Hummel, Axel, Kern, Heiko, Kühne, Stefan and Döhler, Arndt: An Agent-Based Simulation of Viral Marketing Effects in Social Networks. In: Klumpp, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 26th European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM'2012), Essen, Germany, October 22–24, 2012, pp. 212–219, 2012. (Accepted as extended paper, nominated for the best paper award)
- Hummel, Axel, Kern, Heiko, Böhme, Christian, Keßler, René and Döhler, Arndt: Evaluation von Open-Source-Software für System Dynamics hinsichtlich deren Integrierbarkeit. In: 9. Workshop Informationssysteme mit Open Source (ISOS 2012) im Rahmen der GI-Jahrestagung Informatik 2012, Braunschweig, Germany, 2012, pp. 319–333, 2012. (In German).
- Hummel, Axel, Kern, Heiko, Keßler, René and Döhler, Arndt: A Methodology for Simulation Development on the Basis of Cause-and-Effect Modeling in E-Commerce. In: Kocí, R., Hanácek, P., Kunovský, J., Zboril, F. and Samek, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (CSSim 2012), Brno, Czech Republic, September 03–05, 2012, pp. 33–39, 2012. [
- Kern, Heiko, Hummel, Axel and Kühne, Stefan:
Towards a Comparative Analysis of Meta-Metamodels. In Proceedings of 11th Workshop in Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM’11). 2011. [
BibTeX] [
- Hummel, Axel, Kern, Heiko and Döhler, Arndt:
An Agent-Based Simulation of Payment Behavior in E-Commerce. In: Klügl,F. and Ossowski,S. (ed.) Proceedings of the Ninth German Conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies (MATES 2011), Berlin, Germany, October 06–07, 2011, LNAI 6973, pp. 41–52, 2011. Springer-Verlag. [
BibTeX] [
SpringerLink] (Accepted as full paper, acceptance ratio for full papers: 24%)
- Herre, Heinrich and Hummel, Axel:
A Paraconsistent Semantics for Generalized Logic Programs. In: Geske, Ulrich and Wolf, Armin (ed.) Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2009), Potsdam, Germany, September 15–16, 2009, pp. 81–94, 2009. Universitätsverlag Potsdam. [
BibTeX] [
- Herre, Heinrich and Hummel, Axel:
Stationary Generated Models of Generalized Logic Programs. In: Geske, Ulrich and Wolf, Armin (ed.) Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2009), Potsdam, Germany, September 15–16, 2009, pp. 95–108, 2009. Universitätsverlag Potsdam. [
BibTeX] [
- Hummel, Axel:
Untersuchungen von Ontologiesprachen mit modelltheoretischer Semantik. Diploma thesis, University of Leipzig, July 2009. (In German). [
BibTeX] [
Other publications, I was involved in
- Effizienter Betrieb durch innovative IT-Lösungen. Leipziger Amtsblatt, 22. Jahrgang, Nummer 15, 21. Juli 2012. (In German).
- Leipziger Wissenschaftler forschen an Stromfabrik der Zukunft. Pressemeldung der Universität Leipzig, Nummer: 2010/310, 2010. (In German). [
- Do you know the optimal configuration of your online shop?, Sim Progno project and prototype presentation at Ce BIT 2013, Hannover, Germany. [
- Sim Progno – Ein integratives Framework zur multidimensionalen Modellierung, Simulation und Prognostik von E-Commerce-Wirkungsketten. Projektvorstellung auf der Fachtagung KMU-innovativ: IKT 2012, Dresden, Deutschland.
- Simulation as a Decision-Making Support Tool for Full-Service E-Commerce Providers. 4th International Symposium on Service Science (ISSS 2013), Leipzig, Germany. September 2013. [
- Simulation von Onlineshops. Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen des HWK/IHK-Workshop «Onlinehandel – Kosten, Recht und Praxis», Leipzig, Germany. April 2013. (In German).
- An Agent-Based Simulation of Viral Marketing Effects in Social Networks. 26th European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM'2012), Essen, Germany. October 2012. [
- Evaluation von Open-Source-Software für System Dynamics hinsichtlich deren Integrierbarkeit. 9. Workshop Informationssysteme mit Open Source (ISOS 2012) im Rahmen der GI-Jahrestagung Informatik 2012, Braunschweig, Germany. September 2012. [
PDF] (In German).
- A Methodology for Simulation Development on the Basis of Cause-and-Effect Modeling in E-Commerce. 3rd International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (CSSim 2012), Brno, Czech Republic. September 2012. [
- An Agent-Based Simulation of Payment Behavior in E-Commerce. The Ninth German Conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies (MATES 2011), Berlin, Germany. October 2011. [
2009 and before
A Paraconsistent Semantics for Generalized Logic Programs. 23rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2009), Potsdam, Germany. September 2009. [
BibTeX] [
Common Logic. Presentation at the Onto-Med Meeting. April 2006. [
BibTeX] [
I was involved in the following teaching courses:
- Lecture «Einführung in XML», summer term 2013
- Exercise course for the lecture «Einführung in XML», summer term 2013
- Seminar Simulation im E-Commerce, winter term 2011/2012
- Seminar Simulation im E-Commerce, summer term 2011
- Seminar Architekturen und Anwendungssysteme im Bereich der regenerativen Energien, summer term 2011
- Seminar
Service Science, winter term 2010/2011
- Lecture «Einführung in XML», summer term 2010
- Exercise course for the lecture «Einführung in XML», summer term 2010
Research community
I was / I'm currently involved in the following events:
Studierendenkonferenz Informatik (SKILL 2014), (member of the Programme Committee)
Energy EcoSystems Conference 2013 (EES2013), (member of the Conference Organisation Team)
Studentenkonferenz Informatik Leipzig 2013 (SKIL 2013), (member of the Programme Committee)
SIMEX Conference 2013, (member of the International Programme Committee)
17th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2013), (additional reviewer)
Studentenkonferenz Informatik Leipzig 2012 (SKIL 2012), (member of the Programme Committee)
Studentenkonferenz Informatik Leipzig 2011 (SKIL 2011), (member of the Programme Committee)
SRII Global Conference 2011, (additional reviewer)
Current theses
- Nick Kempka: Analyse von Simulationstechniken im betriebswirtschaftlichen Umfeld (bachelor thesis)
- Annett Schumann: «Social Media und Suchmaschinenoptimierung – Analyse der Ansätze zur Erfolgssteigerung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung regionaler Unternehmen» (master thesis), joint work with Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dirk Kahlert (HTWK Leipzig)
- Johannes Schmidt: «Entwicklung einer Simulation zur Bewertung von Marktplätzen im E-Commerce» (bachelor thesis)
Completed theses
- Sebastian Wienecke, «Entwicklung eines Vorgehensmodells zur Ermittlung des idealen Automatisierungsgrades von Geschäftsprozessen in der Dienstleistungsbranche», master thesis, 2012 (with Martin Böttcher)
- Johannes Perlet, Integration von Scrum in das V-Modell XT, bachelor thesis, 2010 (with Stefan Kühne)