Frank Schumacher Hainstrasse 11 04109 Leipzig
Medienbruchfreies Artefaktmanagement (ART-e-FACT 2013 – 2014)
- General Information:
- The project aims for avoiding media discontinuities, i.e. the manual copying of lists into other formats, for the music industry
- I work on collecting the business processes of the music industry, extracting the used data and metadata and create a exchange format to be used by interfaces of business software for the music industry
- I work on extracting knowledge from the semantic web and provide these information for the use in other programs as well to create the possibilities, to feed data into the semantic web
Prozessmodellierung Campusfestival Leipzig (ProCamp 2013)
- General Information:
- I supervise the enquiry, modeling and creation of process descriptions for organizing the Campusfestival Leipzig. This process models shall be used to lighten the complex work to organize this festival and to help new participants into the job.
- I work on creation of the wikisite, which shall be host to many process models of different Festivals to share the experiences of the individual organizations.
- The project is funded by the Open Innovation Initiative of the city of Leipzig
Produktivitätssteigerung durch komponentenbasierte Dienstleistungen (KoProServ, 2010 – 2012)
- General Information:
- I work on the creation of a prototype that allows the user to compose and configure a service from different smaller servicecomponents and automatically provide productivity characteristics.
- The prototype can be found at
Domain Specific Corpora (DISCO – in preparation)
- General information: This projects aims at satisfy the need for domain-specific corpora of certain fields of research like linguistics and natural language processing.
- The corpus shall be extracted automatically or semi-automatically from the articles of Wikipedia. To identify articles that belong to a certain domain, we calculate the similarity of categories and create a graph from this similarities. This graph is clustered by using the Border-Flow graph clustering algorithm. All articles that belong to categories that are contained in the resulting cluster form the domain-specific corpus.
- Prototype:
Energieeffiziente Stadt Leipzig (EnEffLE, 2009–2010)
- General information: This project is part of
Wettbewerb Energieeffiziente Stadt, an advancement initiative of the BMBF. The project aims for an integrated implementation concept for an energy efficient city with respect to the demographic change – exemplarily for the eastern part of Leipzig.
- I work on the conception and creation of a prototype that visualize the energy truth to allow a general overview over energy usage and pollution creation. Furthermore it allows to simulate the energy saving potentials from modernization of the buildings in the area.
Cat-e-dia – A browser for wikipedia categories
Pre Built Information Space (Pre BIS, 2002–2006)
- General information: The project sponsored by the German Ministry for Education and Research and was concerned with developing strategies for the context-dependent information supply of knowledge workers.
- I worked on the conception, design, implementation and testing of the projects document segmentation (chunkifikation) including the belonging browser based segmented document viewer (chunkviewer)
- Prozesse der Leipziger Kreativwirtschaft (SS 2013)
- Prozesse der Leipziger Kreativwirtschaft (SS 2012)
- Interdisziplinäres Seminar: Bedarfsanalyse Kreativwirtschaft (WS 2011/12)
- Instrumente der kreativen Selbstvermarktung
- Supervision: Softwaretechnikpraktikum (SS 2010)
- Software Design Patterns (SS 2009)
- Graph Clustering (SS 2009)
- C++ für Computerspielentwickler (WS 2008/2009)
- Softwareentwicklung für Digitale Spiele (SS 2008)
- Computerspielentwicklung (WS 2007/2008)
- Game Modding (SS 2007)
- Aufbrechen flacher Dokumentenstrukturen (SS 2005)
- Webservices (WS 2003/2004)
- Support for lecture Komponentensoftware from 2001 – 2004
Workshops (Senior Workshop Manager)
Kreativwirtschaft und Informatik (KRIN) 2012
- Games Summer Camp 2008
- Games Summer Camp 2007
- Games Summer Camp 2006
Workshops (Assistant Workshop Manager)
Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C. and Schumacher, F.
Disentangling the Wikipedia Category Graph for Corpus Extraction. Research Journal
on Computer science and Computer Engineering with Applications 39(2), pp. 5–10. 2009.
Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C. and Schumacher, F.
Border Flow – A local graph clustering algorithm for Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLING 2009), p. 547 – 558. Mexico City, Mexico, March 1 – 7, 2009.
Fähnrich, K.-P.; Schumacher, F. (Hrsg.)
Digitale Spiele in Forschung und Lehre – Beiträge zum Games Summer Camp 2008; Leipziger Beiträge zur Informatik: Band XIII; Eigenverlag der Universität Leipzig, 2009
Härtwig, J.; Gross, A.; Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C.; Schumacher, F.:
Evaluation des Pre BIS- Kerns in einer Anwendungsumgebung. In: Fähnrich, K.-P. (Hrsg.); Härtwig, J. (Hrsg.) ; Kiehne, D.-O. (Hrsg.) ; Weisbecker, A. (Hrsg.): Technologien und Werkzeuge für ein rollen- und aufgabenbasiertes Wissensmanagement Bd. V. Bd. Leipzig: Eigenverlag der Unversität Leipzig, 2007, S. 159–173
Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C.; Schumacher, F.:
Involving the User in Semantic Search. In: Human Interface and the Management of Information. Methods, Techniques and Tools in Information Design, Symposium on Human Interface 2007, Held as Part of HCI International 2007 HCI(8). Michael J. Smith and Gavriel Salvendy (eds.) – Springer LNCS, p. 507 – 516. ISBN: 978–3–540–73344–7
Schumacher, F.:
Digitale Spiele in der Gesellschaft: Stand der Technik und Forschungsfragen. In: Fähnrich, K.-P. (Hrsg.); Heyer, G. (Hrsg.): Games Summer Camp 2006 Bd. VIII. Leipzig: Eigenverlag der Unversität Leipzig, 2007, S. 45–50
Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C.; Schumacher, F.:
Implicit Knowledge Sharing. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Knowledge Management; Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Knowledge Management; 04. September – 05. September 2006, Kidmore End, Nr Reading, England/ Dan Remenyi (Ed.) – Reading, England: Academic Conferences Limited, 2006, ISBN: 978–905305–28–5
Schumacher, F.; Böhm, K.:
Zerlegung von Dokumenten zur Optimierung der Informationsversorgung in Wissensmanagementsystemen. In Tagungsband der Leipziger Informatiktage (LIT-2005), September 2005, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Springer 2005, Seite 461–470.
Further professional activities
- Invited Talk at the >Safer Internet Day< of the
Mitteldeutsches Forum Sicheres Internet, Februar 2010
- program commitee member of FLAIRS 2010
- program commitee member of FLAIRS 2009
- program commitee member of FLAIRS 2008
- program commitee member of LIT 2007
Other activities
Rhythm guitarist and singer of the Opera Metal Band molllust
- M'Era Luna Newcomer Band 2013
- Winner of the BachSpiele Leipzig 2012
- Chosen as one of the promising artists of Saxony and appearance on the associated sampler by the
Flying Music Circus 2012